Access your LEMP server from Windows using PuttyGEN and Filezilla.
Real servers don’t use passwords, they use certs to control access. So you want to get access to work on your WordPress file system, because maybe you’ve blocked access to your admin panel with a bad plugin? Read on how to do that.
1. Download PuttyGen
2. Generate a key

3. Wiggle the mouse to generate randomness

4. Copy and Paste this to the server admin

5. Save the PRIVATE KEY for later use with FileZilla

6. Decide if you want to password protect your private key. If you don’t make one, click no.

7. Save it somewhere it’s safe

8. Setup Filezilla connection with SFTP, keyfile type logon, your hostname and user

Connect to your server and do what you need to do, but remember it’s very easy to break things. If you’re doing serious development work consider using version control and an IDE.